July 20, 2024
Request for Proposals
Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor, Inc
Management Action Plan (MAP) and Interpretive Plan (IP) Updates
The Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor (LHHC) is seeking proposals for services that would assist the organization in updating its Management Action Plan (MAP) and Interpretive Plan. The plan would be an update from the LHHC’s 1995 Management Action Plan Executive Summary and its 2000 Interpretive Plan, both prepared by previous administrations.
This project is financed in part with a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program, the Heritage Areas Program Fund, and the Environmental Stewardship Fund under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.
The information in this RFP will describe the overall goals of the MAP and IP projects, the organization, consultant qualifications, and requirements for the submission of a proposal.
Each submission will be reviewed by the LHHC MAP Committee and Board of Directors, which consists of heritage partners and citizens from each of the six Pennsylvania counties represented by the organization. The LHHC’s regional advisor from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) as well as DCNR’s PA Heritage Areas Program Coordinator, will review the proposals and make recommendations based on the content of the submissions.
Because this process requires specific expertise in public participation strategies, community planning, heritage planning, interpretive planning, marketing, and certain aspects of economic development, the LHHC team wishes to select the most qualified and appropriate consultant for the MAP and IP updates, which the organization intends to print and distribute in 2025 or 2026. Keep in mind, this RFP seeks not only the right consultant, but also pricing estimates that stay within the LHHC’s budget from its Round 28 & Round 29 Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2) grant application to the DCNR in April 2023 and 2022, respectively. Work should begin between the LHHC and the chosen consultant by late-2024.
If you have any questions regarding the submission of a proposal or the content of the project scope, please contact the LHHC’s executive director, Kimberly Cady, at (724) 879-4241 or send an email to kimberly@lhhc.org
Proposal submissions are due by 4 p.m. on Monday, September 2, 2024, and should be sent electronically to kimberly@lhhc.org.